Espace pédagogique

Vigorous, active governance

Teréga’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee are distinguished by the diversity and complementary natures of the technical skills they embody, and the attention paid to the equal representation of women and men.

Teréga’s executive committee

The Board of Directors of Teréga SA, Teréga’s operating company, guides the implementation of the company's strategic business plan and watches over the accurate and regular monitoring of Teréga’s operational and financial performance. It also keeps a close eye on the situation on the energy market in which the company operates. The Teréga SA Board of Directors has six members as of 2023: 2 directors representing SNAM, 1 director representing GIC, 2 workers’ representatives and the General Manager of Teréga SA, in his capacity as director.

Teréga’s board of directors

Under the leadership of Dominique Mockly, Chief Executive Office, the committee brings together the 7 departments within Teréga: The Human Resources and Transformation Department, the Finance, Purchasing, Legal and Sustainable Development Department, the Communications Department, the Development and Strategy Department, the Operations, Studies and Projects Department, the Health, Safety and Business Support Department and the Sales and Gas System Regulation Department.