Espace pédagogique

Shippers: explore our detailed offers

There are two parts to our grid: the main grid and the regional grid. The main grid lies
upstream and operates between France and Spain in both directions at the Pirineos VIP to
provide a link with adjacent transporters’ grids in France and Spain. It also allows access to
our storage sites. The regional grid lies downstream and enables the gas to be routed to
industrial or distributor customers. For that reason, we develop a range of products and
additional services for all types of gas transport that you may be looking for on our grid.

How does Teréga satisfy shippers' flexibility requirements ?

Shippers : Teréga’s gas transport offer

We offer two types of transport product, covering both the transport of gas in both directions between France and Spain, and supplies to customers in our regional area: Upstream and Downstream. The aim is to meet all your needs.

Our transport offer
Gas pipeline

Our transport offer on the main grid

Our transport offer on the regional grid

Shippers: becoming a Teréga customer

To find out the first steps before becoming a customer, click here.

Shippers: Teréga’s gas storage offer

In our area we have two sites where gas is stored in aquifers. They have very valuable geophysical properties. They underpin the strength and quality of our storage offer.

Our storage offer
Site de stockage Lussagnet

Our Storage offer