Espace pédagogique

Research & Innovation objective: environment

Teréga’s environmental commitment is set out in its global strategy through the BE POSITIF programme. One of the major objectives of Research & Innovation has therefore naturally been dedicated to this subject in order to study and implement solutions to reduce our environmental footprint and improve the social acceptance of our operations.

Our R&I ambitions regarding the environment

Teréga’s R&I contributes to the BE POSITIVE programme’s proactive approach by proposing solutions to:

  • Reduce our carbon footprint and generate environmental value by minimizing offsets

By seeking solutions to improve the energy efficiency of our processes, for example through the recovery of the unavoidable energy from our facilities (amount of energy lost during normal operation that could be recovered under certain conditions), reducing our methane (CH4) emissions and establishing innovative carbon offsets.

  • Be proactive with regard to our regulatory obligations

By taking the lead to reduce the impacts of our operations on construction sites and/or from operation of the grid, to control the impact of gas storage on aquifers or to improve and enhance the environmental management of our easements.

  • Anticipate the social acceptance of current and future projects

By developing communication methods and tools to improve the social acceptance of subsurface operations, as well as by studying the environmental impact of new technologies relating to the new gas sectors using life cycle analysis (LCA).