Espace pédagogique

Regulatory information about gas transport and storage

Teréga’s activities are subject to French regulations on the transport and storage of gas. This page sets out our legal obligations in detail.

Teréga’s public service obligations

As part of our gas transport and storage activities, we have to meet certain public service obligations in accordance with the legislation governing businesses operating in the gas sector.

Article L 121-32 of the Energy Code sets out those obligations. Under those, Teréga has a particular duty to guarantee:

  1. the safety of persons and installations upstream of the end consumer’s connection,

  2. continuity of the natural gas supply,

  3. security of supply,

  4. the quality and price of the products and services provided,

  5. protection of the environment, particularly the application of energy saving measures,

  6. energy efficiency,

  7. the use of biogas,

  8. balanced regional development,

  9. acting as a natural gas supplier of last resort to non-domestic customers providing services in the general interest.

Regulation of the gas market

In order to continue the process of liberalising the market, on 13 July 2009 the European Union adopted a set of measures relating to the internal energy market (electricity and natural gas), known as the “3rd energy package”.

It brings together the following regulations relating to gas and Teréga’s activities:

The legislation dealing with energy, including the provisions for the transposition of the 3rd energy package into French law, were grouped together in the Energy Code. The legislative part of that code came into force on 1st June 2011. The regulatory part, created by Decree No. 2015-1823 of 30 December 2015, came into force on 1st January 2016.

Regulatory information linked to gas transport

Framework for the gas storage activity