Espace pédagogique

Accelerating France’s energy transition

Teréga is a privileged partner of French public authorities. We put our skills and expertise at the service of public authorities and accelerate initiatives to enable the State to achieve its objectives of energy transition and industrial competitiveness, while preserving France’s security of energy supply.

Teréga is committed to ensuring that France meets its energy transition objectives

As a follow-up to the French Energy Transition Law for Green Growth (LTECV) of 2015, two steering tools have been put in place:

  • the Multiannual Energy Programming (MEP), roadmap for French public authorities defines France’s energy transition guidelines for the period 2019-2028,

  • the National Low Carbon Strategy (NLCS) defines the path for reducing greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. 

Enacted in November 2019, the Energy and Climate Act (LEC) has set this new carbon neutrality objective in stone. It implies dividing these emissions by a factor of more than 6, whereas the LTECV of 2015 was only a fourfold division. To achieve this, the LEC includes the development of low-carbon and renewable hydrogen, as well as its industrial, energy and mobility uses. The aim is to achieve a 20 to 40% share of low-carbon and renewable hydrogen in total industrial hydrogen consumption by 2030. The law also extends the right of access to natural gas networks to all renewable or recovered energy gases, such as synthetic methane produced by mixing CO2 and hydrogen (H2) through the methanation process. In this respect, the objective introduced by the LTECV is to reach 10% renewable gas in overall gas consumption by 2030.

At Teréga, we are taking action to meet these objectives by supporting biomethane connection projects and conducting several studies with our partners to promote the development of these new renewable or low-carbon gases.

7-10 %

of renewable gases in total gas consumption in France in 2030 (PPE)

14 TWh

of renewable gas produced in 2023 and 6 TWh injected (PPE)

20 %

to 40% of low-carbon and renewable H2 on industrial H2 consumption in 2030 (LEC)

A mission to secure France’s gas supply

Teréga has a public service mission. We guarantee the country’s security of gas supply and contribute to achieving France’s energy transition objectives...

Teréga ensures:

  • continuity of the natural gas supply;

  • security of supply;

  • energy efficiency;

  • use of biogas.

Discover our activities

One objective: structure the renewable gas sector in France

Gas is an essential lever in managing the French energy mix. We are innovating to develop the use of biomethane, synthetic methane and hydrogen. These green energies, produced locally, are emerging as central levers of the energy transition. They contribute to France’s energy autonomy, the creation of local jobs and the development of a competitive, carbon-neutral industry.

In order to structure the deployment of methane and hydrogen processes, Teréga brings its expertise to ministerial departments and the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) through bids for tender and consultation meetings. 

We are also members of the association France Hydrogène (formerly Afhypac), which presented a National Hydrogen Plan in 2020 aimed at accelerating the development of hydrogen solutions for the energy transition. This manifesto helped define the government’s Hydrogen Strategy for France, which adopted many proposals.

Alongside the players in the sector, we are harnessing our energies to:

  • accelerate the deployment of renewable gases in the energy sector, industry and mobility;

  • lower production costs and quickly reach a level of profitability for users;

  • help strengthen the French industrial network by creating an ecosystem conducive to innovation;

  • propose, in consultation with public authorities, a regulatory framework for injection and support for these renewable gases.

Our commitment: accelerating the growth of French industry

By concentrating access to renewable gas at an optimised cost, Teréga contributes to increasing the competitiveness of French industry. We are participating in the development of local methanation and hydrogen processes and smart grids, alongside the New Energy Systems Sector Strategy Committee (CSF). These sectors, which are synonymous with carbon-neutral industrial competitiveness and job creation, are helping to boost French industry.

To support industry in its move towards sustainable growth, we are also partners in events that promote industrial innovation and job creation in France:

  • BPI France’s Big Tour promotes the know-how of French entrepreneurship in industry, innovation and technology;

  • Territoires d’Industrie scheme has identified pilot territories for a new support system in sectors with a strong industrial dimension. The aim is to bring together public authorities and manufacturers to provide solutions and promote the reindustrialisation of France. Dominique Mockly, President and CEO of Teréga, has been chosen to be the industrial referent of Béarn, alongside François Bayrou, for the Lacq-Pau-Tarbes Industrial Area.