Espace pédagogique

Teréga’s strategic focus is aimed at innovation

The energy sector is going through a time of unprecedented upheaval and challenge. New solutions for the future are emerging, whose development Teréga wants to encourage: biomethane, hydrogen, methanation, CNG and multi-energy. Innovation in our sector is highly strategic, because that's how we'll succeed in building the diversified energy grid of tomorrow.

Energy transition: a strategic challenge that goes hand in hand with innovation

manomètre bar pression gaz

Our innovation strategy

All the strategic efforts being deployed by us have two primary objectives: to consolidate our position as an exemplary operator of gas infrastructures now and into the future, and to reassert our role as an accelerator of energy transition.

innovation project on new gases in partnership with the UPPA

Partnerships and participatory innovation

We feel it is through working together that future solutions can be put into action. That is why we are inviting our whole internal and external ecosystem to work together to build the energy system of tomorrow with us.
