Espace pédagogique

Teréga, a flagship partner in biomethane

Support throughout every key stage of your biomethane project: connection, injection and storage of the gas, tracking the development of biomethane production in the territory, and more. Our expertise is in your hands.

How does biomethane contribute to a low-carbon energy mix?

Biomethane starts with biogas: a renewable gas from the fermentation of plant or animal organic matter. That break-down can happen either naturally in the environment or artificially in digestors through an anaerobic digestion process (without oxygen): methanisation. The raw biogas comprises 60% methane and 40% CO2. 

Biomethane is then obtained by purifying the biogas. This process gives it a composition similar to that of natural gas so that it can be injected into the grid. Three stages are needed to reach that point:

  • decarbonisation, to remove the CO2,

  • desulfurisation, to remove hydrogen sulfide;

  • dehydration, to remove water.

Supporting project owners

Our aim is to maximise the volumes of renewable gases being injected into the grid, while guaranteeing security of supply. We build on our strengths to encourage the take-off of the biomethane sector in France:

●      our significant injection capacities as a transporter, with connection to our gas storage,

●      the characteristics of our grid, in a rural setting, which favours local green gas production,

●      connections for all types of projects, be they agricultural and/or industrial.

In 2015, we turned biomethane into a reality, bringing about the first injection into our grid. In 2017, we passed another milestone, allowing the injection of gas from methanisation into our underground storage facilities. Since then we have supported the creation of a number of methanisation unit projects, which are already or soon to be connected to our grid.

Follow the progress of biomethane in networks

As a Transport Grid Manager, we constantly monitor the development of biomethane in the grid across Teréga’s territory, using the Renewable Gas Indicator (IGR). This indicator shows the ratio of locally produced biomethane to gas consumption over a specific period of time within a specific territory.

The map can be used to follow that indicator month-by-month at departmental level.

Renewable Gas Indicator (RGI) card

Bar chart of monthly IGR over 3 years ( in percentage)

To put the data into a broader context, we have compared the monthly IGR over 3 years. One thing is very clear: the proportion of biomethane in the grid across Teréga’s territory has grown continuously over recent years.

Teréga is committed to the development of the biomethane sector

Development of the biomethane sector involves a change in the way grids are operated. It is our role as a responsible actor to contribute to that change. Especially since the process involves both sustainable regional development and the long-term establishment of a new renewable gas sector. Our commitment can be seen through:

●      our involvement in work groups at a national level,

●      our support for the Occitanie, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regions as they develop their regional plans for land use, sustainable development and territorial equality (Schémas Régionaux d’Aménagement, de Développement Durable et d’Égalité des Territoires, or SRADDET) and territorial climate-air-energy plans (Plans Climat-Air-Énergie, or PCAET) as part of an interconnected communities approach, to encourage the “greening” of gas to benefit the regions,

●      our management of the register of injection capacities in our area,

●      the mapping we offer of network access conditions for biomethane producers,

●      our involvement in European moves on the issue through GIE and ENTSOG,

●      the development of our research and innovation programme linked to the deployment of biomethane,

●      our support for the early stages of methanisation unit creation projects, through feasibility and viability studies.