Espace pédagogique

NGV station owner: Teréga at every stage of your project

We are committed to energy transition as an integral part of meeting European and national objectives (Energy Transition Law for Green Growth (LTECV)), so we want to support new low and very-low emission practices among public and private actors through the development of our infrastructures. Thus we offer support from the very start of your project.

What are the basic preliminary requirements for setting up your project?

As a preliminary to the process of connecting up a NGV station, the project leader is strongly encouraged to carry out a few initial market research steps to help bring their project to fruition:

  • perform a market study (situation of potential customers, kilometres travelled, number of vehicles per day etc.);

  • identify possible plots of land to accommodate your station (500 to 5,000 m2);

  • contact us for grid locations.

What are the key stages in bringing your project to fruition?

From the routing and delivery infrastructure point of view, the connection of a NGV/BioNGV station requires four essential stages to arrive at the project going live: 

Connection procedure NGV