Espace pédagogique

Le 17 déc. 2021

Teréga, patron of the educational project called “Biogaz”

Teréga, a committed player of the energy transition, has become a patron of the BIOGAZ project initiated by the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports in partnership with the French Association for the Development of Technical Education (AFDET). The aim of this project is to promote awareness among young people of renewable energies and more specifically, the processes and technologies used in the biogas sector.

Raising young people’s awareness to the potential of the biogas sector

As a player of a sustainable world, Teréga undertakes to build new energy models by proposing a gas mix with a carbon neutral footprint, predominantly renewable, which includes biogas and hydrogen.

Also, given the dynamism of the sector, it is important to provide a better understanding of biogas production processes and to make young people aware of its uses. It is also necessary to provide support to the training and skills needs in the sector.

Designed for pupils and apprentices from year 7 to BTS vocational higher education level, the BIOGAZ project is being deployed by the teaching teams of the Campus of Energy Transition occupations and qualifications attached to the technical high-school of housing, energies and the car of Sixte-Vignon located in the Hautes-Pyrénées department (65).

The educational platform ETINCEL open to all National Education teachers and staff, of which the CANOPE network is the project leader, will make all the educational resources produced accessible.