Espace pédagogique

Le 15 févr. 2022

Teréga, historical partner of the BIG TOUR

Teréga, a natural gas storage and transport operator located in South-West France, partners the Big Tour for the fourth consecutive year. Organised by Bpifrance (Banque Publique d'Investissement), this event is designed to highlight French entrepreneurial expertise in areas such as industry, technology and innovation.

Following its success, the event is expanding with 2 formats this year: One winter and one summer format. From 5 March to 20 September, 13 regions in all will be visited, with 28 stages.

Five dates are planned in Teréga’s areas of activity this year: 20 April in Bordeaux (Gironde), 22 April in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), 6 July in Narbonnes, 8 July in Vieux-Boucau (Landes) and 10 July in Biscarosse.

Teréga focused on renewable energy more than ever

The Big Tour is an opportunity for Teréga to attract young graduates by presenting the variety of its business activities to the talents of tomorrow. The company will also present its 3D animation on its stand: “2050, a world of renewable energies.”

Teréga is keen to help with energy transition for the regions in which it operates, and is endeavouring to design innovative solutions for the future that will optimise energy consumption and contribute to France’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

Accessible to all, this animation is based on a visually immersive and visual game. It playfully presents the current climate issues, makes people aware of the changes to come in the next decades regarding gas and its capacity to be a vector of the energy transition and answers the questions that the general public, in particular young people, have about energy and its impacts.