Espace pédagogique

Le 28 mars 2024

Teréga Group joins the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation (AZEA)

Teréga, the historic operator of gas infrastructures in the South West, and resolutely
committed to the development of the future hydrogen infrastructures and associated
services, has just received the go-ahead from the DG DEFIS (EU Directorate-General
for Defence Industry and Space) to join AZEA (Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation).
This means it can play its part in the work of preparing for the development of
tomorrow’s hydrogen-powered aircraft industry.

Under the aegis of the European Commission, the Alliance brings together public and private partners to prepare the market for the introduction of zero-emission aircraft.
Their approach aims to mobilize all players in the ecosystem and plan the deployment of these aircraft, while anticipating the implications of new propulsion technologies on aircraft design, fuels and airport infrastructures.

Terega is taking part in this initiative by contributing to the planning of hydrogen supplies for future airports. In doing so, Teréga is reinforcing its commitment to sustainable aviation, aligned with its previous actions such as its membership of Aerospace Valley and its PHARE2 partnership concluded in 2023 to make Toulouse-Blagnac airport a pilot hydrogen hub in Europe.