Espace pédagogique

Le 30 mars 2021

Teréga, Enagás, GazelEnergie, and DH2 Energy will cooperate to study the development of the value chain of renewable hydrogen between Spain and France

The gas operators Teréga and Enagás, the renewable hydrogen producer DH2 and the energy group GazelEnergie, have just signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Franco-Spanish Lacq Hydrogen project.

This project will study:

  • the production and supply of renewable hydrogen from Spain to France between DH2 and GazelEnergie,

  • hydrogen transmission from Spain to France between Enagás and Teréga,

  • hydrogen storage and transmission on the Teréga grid to supply hydrogen to GazelEnergie’s renewable power plant,

  • renewable power production, 100% dispatchable, via a combined cycle power plant operated by GazelEnergie.