Espace pédagogique

Le 27 mai 2021

Teréga continues inventing the future of energy!

After 2020, a year marked by unprecedented crisis and which served to prove the strength of its business model, Teréga continues to commit itself to inventing the future of energy and unveils the exclusive findings of the first “France discovers hydrogen” barometer.

Teréga: a compagny looking to the future

Aware of today’s environmental challenges, Teréga, an accelerator of the energy transition, continues to forge ahead, building tomorrow’s models and conceiving innovative energy solutions. That is the reason behind the creation of Teréga Solutions and its involvement in a number of projects linked to hydrogen.

By creating the dedicated Teréga Solutions entity, Teréga is broadening its support for energy innovations. In particular, Teréga Solutions, with its Biomethane and Gas Mobility Business Unit, has bought a 20% share of the energy startup DualMetha, which specialises in renewable energies, plus a 40% share in Chadasaygas.

Solid financial results

Despite the unprecedented situation, Teréga, the top independent French operator of gas infrastructures, is reporting turnover of €460m, and conducted two successful financing operations in 2020.

Teréga saw turnover of €460m with net profits of €50m in 2020. Transport business generated turnover of €313m and storage €147m. Those figures, slightly down on 2019, still show the strength and resilience of Teréga’s model, as the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis have been kept under control.

Teréga SAS 2020 consolidated financial statements

2020: the year of carbon neutrality

Going beyond support for positive impact initiatives, through the Teréga Accélérateur d’Énergies endowment fund, Teréga has rolled out an ambitious integrated strategy allowing it to achieve carbon neutrality in 2020.

With its “BE Positif” programme, Teréga hit a major target: contributing to France’s carbon neutrality in 2020. To consolidate its environmental commitment, Teréga now has its sights set on the next stage, committing to achieving a positive carbon footprint by 2025.

Key findings of the 2021 edition of the exclusive barometer, “France discovers hydrogen”

Teréga reveals the findings of an exclusive barometer, researched in partnership with Harris Interactive. That barometer constitutes the first large annual futures study concerning hydrogen.

The 2021 edition shows that the French are passionate about energy, since 65% of them are interested in the energy challenges, even though the perceived level of information received appears not to live up to that interest (with 46% of the French feeling they are underinformed). They also demonstrate a very real fear of energy shortages which could, they say, lead to a new form of insecurity.