Espace pédagogique

Le 4 mars 2021

Teréga announces the release of Dominique Mockly’s book: ‘ La Mondialisation décompressée ’ (globalisation decompressed)

Dominique Mockly is the author of a third essay published by Débats Publics: La Mondialisation décompressée (Globalisation decompressed). In this book, both pragmatic and proactive, Dominique Mockly provides new insights and practical solutions to all those who wish to reinvent globalisation. By taking an opposite stand to current thinking about negative growth, the Chairman and CEO of Teréga is calling for a new path of globalisation to broaden our scope of action against the unrest and ‘compression’ within our societies.

“By encouraging us to free ourselves from the excesses of recent decades, ‘globalisation unwound’ will enable us to refocus on what is essential, with the support of the greatest possible number of people: the quest for sustainable, inclusive and territorial development that will serve the interests of France and Europe, without cynicism or naivety. ”
Dominique Mockly

The coronavirus crisis, an unprecedented global shockwave, has more than ever exposed the limits of globalisation, accelerating our awareness of the imbalances that are now affecting our planet.