Espace pédagogique

Le 7 avr. 2021

Teréga achieves its greenhouse gas emission reduction target by 2020

Teréga, France’s leading independent gas infrastructure operator, has reached a new milestone, contributing to France’s carbon neutrality in 2020 thanks to its "Avoid Reduce Compensate" approach. As an accelerator of the energy transition and a responsible player, this first step is the result of an ambitious environmental strategy and commitment, the efforts of which have now been rewarded. These efforts will lead to a positive footprint by 2025.

Environmental performance in line with an exemplary ambition

Aware from the outset of the importance of a sustainable world and of the carbon footprint that its activities can have on the planet, Teréga has for several years deployed a proactive environmental policy that is fully integrated into the company’s culture. The cross-functional
environmental programme called BE Positif (Bilan Environnemental Positif) came into play in 2017 to strengthen it by pursuing an objective: to gradually erase the environmental footprint of Teréga’s activities through three key words: “Avoid - Reduce - Compensate”.

An environmental pillar of the CSR approach, the programme is an integral part of the IMPACTS 2025 corporate plan and has helped to reduce the company’s overall carbon footprint by a quarter since 2017.

BE Positif has thus enabled Teréga to reach the first milestone of carbon neutrality in 2020. It is defined as the drastic reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere.

Teréga thus went from 133,771 tons of CO2 emitted in 2017 to 99,573 tons as of 31 December 2020, that is a drop of more than 25% in three years and the equivalent of 750 full
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