Espace pédagogique

Le 20 sept. 2022

Teréga accelerates the installation of Indaboxes on its gas delivery stations to facilitate the energy sobriety initiatives of its connected customers.

As a manager of French gas infrastructure, Teréga is at the heart of the European response to the energy crisis.

Good management of the energy situation for the coming winter involves ensuring gas is available (filled storage, contribution of LNG and gas exchanges at the interconnections) as well as sobriety measures as regards consumption. It is a priority for everyone, and especially large consumers. To help them meet this challenge, Teréga is accelerating the deployment of Indaboxes to assist its industrial customers with their energy sobriety initiatives.

A major industrial and strategic actor of the territory, Teréga constantly produces data which are essential for fulfilling its mission under optimum quality and safety conditions. Installing Indaboxes has thus emerged as an obvious measure to be taken. Designed to enable customers connected to the gas transport grid to have knowledge of their consumption data in real time, Teréga’s Indaboxes are currently deployed on over half of delivery stations. By the end of October, all industrial customers connected to the grid that are large consumers will be able to use this tool.