Espace pédagogique

Le 9 avr. 2021

Proposed revision of the TEN-E regulation:

Today, the Gas for Climate consortium publishes a position paper on the proposed revision of
the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) regulation presented by the European
Commission. In this position paper, Gas for Climate welcomes many of the additions
introduced and provides feedback that could further strengthen the proposal.

  • Gas for Climate (GfC) values the opportunity in TEN-E for the creation of a dedicated hydrogen infrastructure and proposes to speed up the repurposing of existing gas pipelines to achieve the 2030 and 2050 EU climate targets. 

  • GfC welcomes the newly created smart gas grids category, enabling the integration of renewable and low-carbon gases. Investments that contribute to both the decarbonisation and the smartening of the network are proposed as eligible to qualify for PCI status. 

  • Policy support for CO2 transport and storage infrastructure is key to overcome the current financial gap that CCUS technologies experience. GfC thus proposes to consider including CO2 storage and CO2 transport for CCU under the TEN-E scope.