Espace pédagogique

Le 10 mai 2021

National consultation of hydrogen market actors

On 1st June, GRTgaz and Teréga are launching a consultation for all the actors of the
hydrogen market.

GRTgaz and Teréga are launching in France on 1st June, a consultation of all actors of the
hydrogen market. Its aim is to ensure that the future French hydrogen transport grid will match the requirements and needs of its users. The consultation will be organised to ensure long-lasting solutions that are able to integrate changes in needs as they arise as well as to ensure that the future hydrogen transport grid serves the general interest.

This market consultation is open to all hydrogen actors:

  • public actors and national and regional institutional actors, 

  • associations, trade unions, professional unions,

  • industrial customers, suppliers, producers, current or future H2 users, shippers,

  • infrastructure operators ((DSO, ELD, adjacent TSOs, RTE)​

  • academic actors,

  • experts and other groups interested in the H2 market.

The market consultation will compromise the following steps

The market consultation will comprise the following steps:

  • an information webinar planned for 1st June from 15:30 to 16:30. GRTgaz and Teréga will
    present a consolidation of the needs identified for the construction of an H2 grid in
    France, the challenges of the consultation and its tools, ​

  • the consultation of the H2 market actors: a questionnaire will be available until 11
    July 2021. More in-depth discussions may be held during this period and beyond,

  • a proposal for a development plan for H2 grids: an analysis of the responses will allow planning of the hydrogen grids in France to be made in greater detail and a development plan to be drawn up. This schedule may change in the light of the results of the future consultations.

All information about this consultation (next steps, webinar link, questionnaire as well as the
contacts for any question relating to the process) will be published on the websites of GRTgaz and Teréga on 1st June 2021.