Espace pédagogique

Le 30 juin 2021

Gas consultation process specific to the R&D&I work led by gas transporters and storage operators

Following the deliberations of the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) on the new tariff for the use of transport infrastructures (ATRT7) and storage infrastructures (ATS2), gas transport and storage operators held two consultations with market actors on their major ongoing and forthcoming R&D&I topics.

Two specific R&D&I workgroups were created for this purpose:

  • the first co-steered by GRTgaz and Teréga, for the transport side,

  • the second co-steered by Géométhane, Storengy and Teréga, for the storage side.

Their aims are to highlight the complementarity, coherence and mutualisation potential of the work being done by each of the operators to support their transformation against the backdrop of the energy transition and a huge number of technical challenges to overcome.

Consultations on the gas transport and storage activities were conducted separately:

  • On 22 June, GRTgaz and Teréga presented market actors with a common roadmap for their R&D&I activities, around three major themes: Industrial Safety, the Energy Transition, and Operational Performance/Excellence.

  • On 29 June, Géométhane, Storengy and Teréga also presented market actors with a common roadmap for their R&D&I activities, around three major themes: Safety and the Environment, Performance of Equipment and Reservoirs, and Renewable Gases.

Over the course of those presentations, the operators discussed the different R&D&I challenges, the main programmes, projects, pilots and demonstrators currently in place. It was an opportunity to shine a spotlight on efforts being made to guarantee continuity of service and security of a gas supply for all, by maintaining safety, reliability, sustainability and availability of gas infrastructures The work devoted to improving the performance of activities at the least cost, while reducing environmental impacts, was also a major R&D&I priority that was expanded upon in these consultations.

Finally, the operators set out their actions to encourage the energy transition, with their willingness to promote the integration of renewable gases into networks and to guarantee quality of service regardless of the gas or mix of gases being transported / stored.

These consultations were aimed at stakeholders affected by changes to gas transport and storage pricing, namely shipper customers, industrial customers, other gas infrastructure operators, the CRE etc.

At the end of the presentations, those attending were able to ask questions and put forward their comments.