Espace pédagogique

Le 16 déc. 2020

Energy transition: Teréga invests in the development of a new innovative solution: “METHAMAG®”

A technology derived from public research in Toulouse

Teréga, a major actor in gas transport and storage infrastructures in France, has just signed a 1st exclusive partnership with Toulouse Tech Transfer (TTT) for the joint development of an innovative technology created by the Laboratory of Nano-object Physics and Chemistry (LPCNO – INSA Toulouse, CNRS and Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University). The technology, called “METHAMAG®”, is a new methanation process based on the use of magnetic induction. It provides a response to the challenges of storing renewable energy sources, while demonstrating energy performance that is vastly superior to that of other systems.

This partnership with TTT is the practical outworking of Teréga’s commitment to the acceleration of renewable gases, and underlines its partnership-based innovation strategy, being based around the SATT Network.

Development of innovative solutions to bring about the energy models of tomorrow

France, like many countries around the world, is committed to a process of energy transition, to deal with the growing threats facing the environment. Targets have been set to provide a fourfold reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050, drawing on energy savings and the vigorous development of renewable energy, to avoid resorting to the use of fossil fuels.
As an accelerator of the energy transition, Teréga is committed to designing innovative solutions which will frame the models of tomorrow and enable those targets to be met. The partnership signed with the LPCNO and TTT will allow the development of an innovative methane production technology that uses magnetic hyperthermia (methanation) to increase the injection capacities of methanisation sites and to develop the “Power-to-Gas” sector.