Espace pédagogique

Regulation is the keystone of the energy market

Since energy is a need, associated with public service imperatives, and since it is transported by infrastructures in a monopoly position, energy regulation is a central issue. Discover who the players in this regulation are and the reference texts governing the activities of grid operators like Teréga.

Why is the gas market and more generally the energy market regulated?

Energy is essential for the consumer and the consumer has a “right” to a good quality supply, including in particular supply continuity, at a reasonable price. Because the energy infrastructures are in a natural monopoly position, they are primarily regulated to guarantee that the price of the services provided by their operators is fair. This regulation is therefore aimed to ensure economic competitiveness and balanced territorial development while encouraging operators to adopt the energy policy guidelines, for example
by taking account of the environment.

Two distinct schemes currently apply:

  • The energy production and supply activities are in free competition but governed by the French Directorate General for Energy and Climate administrative authorisation scheme.

  • The transport and distribution grids, gas storage facilities and methane terminals are entrusted to independent grid operators, like Teréga, and regulated in France by the Energy Regulation Commission.

What are the energy regulatory authorities in France and Europe?

French regulatory control of the energy market

In parallel with this regulation the energy market is also governed by specific regulations in France and in Europe in which the different players participate.

The Regulatory Authorities in France

What legislation regulates the energy sector in France?

European regulatory control of the energy market