Espace pédagogique

Teréga’s environmental commitment: a response to your expectations too

Given that we have a public service mission and are also an actor in the regions, our commitment to the environment has to be more than mere words. It is also a response to your expectations, your requirement that we set an example. So we apply a sustainable development policy to all our activities, and we have established stringent codes of conduct for ourselves. Since 2018 this has been translated into a determined corporate programme: BE POSITIF (from the French for “Positive Environmental Audit”).

Why is Teréga committed to the environment?

The energy sector is going through profound changes: making energy cleaner, more local, ensuring its exploitation, transport and use are sustainable – even a positive thing – for the planet, and so on. These are the challenges we want to meet, because we are a major actor in the energy sector, and we want to be recognised as an accelerator of energy transition.

In this unprecedented situation, we are aware that you too have expectations when it comes to environmental responsibility. It is with that objective in mind that we started up the ambitious BE POSITIF programme, to respond to these decisive challenges and help achieve the national objectives embodied in the Paris Agreement signed at COP21. Thanks to that strategy, Teréga’s carbon footprint has been diminishing since 2012.


reduction in greenhouse gas emissions on scopes 1 and 2 between 2017 and 2022


methane emissions between 2017 and 2022


of recycled waste

78 %

recycled waste in 2022

What are Teréga’s environmental fields of action?

As a consequence, our environmental commitment can be seen in action within our territories and through our business activities. It is based on a tried and tested methodology: AVOID-REDUCE-COMPENSATE for our impacts. In addition, it is designed to work at different levels:

  • reducing atmospheric emissions;

  • managing energy and our energy efficiency, such as the development of self-sufficiency within our installations;

  • the recovery of certain types of waste (agricultural, green waste, food industry waste etc.) through a circular economy approach, thanks to the development of the biomethane industry;

  • initiatives to encourage sustainable mobility (NGV and BioNGV fuel), sustainable construction with the application of a High Environmental Quality (HQE) standard;

  • tackling the issue of digital frugality in our practices, as part of our digitisation strategy;

  • managing the impacts of our activities (soil, water, noise, waste);

  • caring for biodiversity, which means preserving species and protecting the living world. We have, for example, one unique claim: we manage a 200 hectare environmental compensation area, with 140 hectares of that put down to forest.

Our response to environmental challenges is applied practically and with conviction, while continuing to guarantee a high level of personal safety, ensuring the integrity of our structures and responding to your needs.