Espace pédagogique

What’s load-shedding?

Load-shedding means drastically reducing – or even interrupting – gas consumption by the biggest consumers, in less than two hours, and until further notice. This relieves pressure on the network.

This is an emergency regulatory measure designed to be implemented by grid managers under exceptional circumstances and as a last resort, for example if there is a supply crisis or a major incident on the gas grid. Arrangements for the scheme were set out in the Order of 7 April 2022 and apply to all customers consuming more than 5 GWh over the course of the previous calendar year. Those consumers are put into 4 categories, and can be shed in the following order:

  • Gas-fired power stations

  • Consumers who can reduce consumption without any economic consequences

  • Consumers who will suffer major economic consequences if load-shedding is applied

  • Consumers recognised as providing a service in the public interes

The aim of such a measure is to maintain supplies for as long as possible to private individuals and to sites providing a service in the public interest, such as hospitals. To plan ahead for stress on the grid, and to avoid load-shedding, Teréga has been working with Ademe and GRTgaz to develop the Ecogaz platform which monitors the situation on the national gas grid in real time.

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