Espace pédagogique

What is the REPowerEU plan?

The REPowerEU plan was presented by the European Commission on 18 May 2022, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in response to the consequences already being felt and still to come in the energy market.

The purpose of REPowerEU is to define a strategy aimed at putting an end to the European Union’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels, and at the same time combating the climate crisis. Those targets will be met through a number of complementary actions:

  • Making energy savings

Energy frugality is the most economical, surest and cleanest way of dealing with the current energy crisis, according to the Commission, which wants to increase the EU’s binding target for reductions in energy consumption to 13% by 2030 (compared with the 9% in the “Fit for 55” package). In the short term, it is publishing a series of recommendations on how the public and businesses can reduce their demand for gas and oil by 5% (about 13 billion m3 for gas and 16 Mtoe for oil). 

  • Diversifying supply and supporting the EU’s international partners

The European Union will continue to support security and the energy transition in Ukraine, Moldova and neighbouring partner countries by stimulating the development of renewables including hydrogen.

  • Speeding up the deployment of renewable energy

The REPowerEU plan increases renewables’ share of the energy consumed by the EU to 45% in 2030 - (compared with the 40% set out in the revised Renewable Energy Directive). The plan envisages 35 billion cubic metres of biomethane by 2030 and an additional 20 Mt of green hydrogen (half of which is to be produced in Europe, and the remainder imported).

  • Reducing the consumption of fossil fuels by industry and transport

The European Commission wants to introduce financial measures to encourage the adoption of green hydrogen by industry. It is currently looking at a legislative initiative to increase the proportion of zero emission vehicles in public authority fleets and companies of a certain size.

  • Encouraging smart investment

Reducing imports of Russian fuel could help us save nearly 100 billion euros every year, but that requires additional investment of 210 billion euros between now and 2027 by the private and public sectors.

To find out more, read our analytical article on the challenges of the REPowerEU plan.

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