Espace pédagogique

What is the “Fit for 55” package?

The “Fit for 55” legislative package is a major initiative from the European Union (EU), aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. This initiative is in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement on the climate and constitutes a central element of European climate policy.

Practical proposals for a lasting impact

The 12 legislative proposals in the “Fit for 55” package cover a number of key sectors such as transport, energy and industry. Flagship measures include:

  • Extension of the carbon market to new sectors, thus reinforcing the importance of reducing emissions.

  • Mechanisms aimed at guaranteeing fairness for European industry in the global context.

  • The promotion of rapid decarbonisation in essential fields such as motoring.

  • The development of carbon sinks, underlining the importance of nature in combating climate change.

Teréga and its contribution to “Fit for 55”

The “Fit for 55” package puts the emphasis on the importance of biomethane and hydrogen as cleaner alternatives to the traditional energy sources. Teréga has embraced this way of thinking, actively committing itself to the development of these renewable energies and implementing CO2 capture strategies, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

To find out more about Europe’s climate targets, you might also like to look at the REPowerEU plan, an initiative aimed at diversifying energy sources and accelerating the transition to renewable energies.

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