Espace pédagogique

Can my methanisation unit be connected to the Teréga network?

Do you have a methanisation project located close to Teréga’s pipelines? Find out how to get connected to our gas transport network.

To find out if your methanisation unit is eligible for connection, we can provide you with a run-down of network access terms for biomethane producers. It will provide a rough guide to the technical and economic criteria, giving you an idea of those areas which are most favourable for biomethane injection into the gas grid.

If you are currently looking into the feasibility of your methanisation project, please do not hesitate to use our biomethane simulator. This tool allows you to estimate your biomethane production capacity according to the nature and quantity of your inputs.

Nevertheless, the only way to get an accurate answer about the feasibility of your connection is to submit a preliminary statement of requirements to us so we can study your methanisation project in specific detail.

In the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region:
Guilhem Caumette
Tel.: +33 (0)6 22 41 74 01

In the Occitanie and Cantal regions
Christelle Rousset
Mob. : +33 (0)6 72 55 32 30

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