Espace pédagogique
Teréga shares its key figures and main indicators with you, investor

Teréga shares its key figures and main indicators with you, investor

We provide you with the key indicators you need to understand who we are and our business model. Operating in the regulated energy sector and with a public service obligation, these figures reflect our business and expertise as well as our ambitions and values.

Our indicators:

  • SNAM (40.5%)

  • GIC (31.5%)

  • Ouestgaz (18%)

  • Predica (9%)

  • Crédit Agricole Assurances Retraite (1%)

5,094 km of transport pipelines
6.6 Gm3 of total gas storage capacity
143.4 TWh of gas transported
22.6 TWh consumed in the Teréga zone (industrial + public distribution)
33.1 TWh of subscribed storage capacity, i.e. 100% of available capacity

646 employees
53 new hires (permanent and fixed-term contracts)
• Feminisation rate : 28.2 %
55 study contracts and 16 trainees
96,6% of employees trained
• Commitment index of 7.4/10 in 2023
• Teréga TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate): 3.6
• Fatal accident of a Terega employee in 2023 : 0 
• Fatal Accident of a contractor in 2023 : 0

74 transport shippers
28 storage shippers
116 industrial customers
153 public distributions
10 biomethane injection stations

• Approximately 60 employees integrated into the R&I network
• Average annual R&I budget: €5 million
• Approximately 60 ongoing R&I projects

ISO 14001 : 2015 (environmental management), ISO 50001 : 2018 (energy management) certifications
0.63 teqCO2/GWh transported*

* Calculated with GWP (Global Warming Potential) for methane = 34.

  • €488 million turnover

  • €104 million net income