Espace pédagogique

New gases and sustainable processes: central to meeting energy challenges

The environment, climate and energy emergencies are increasingly seen as top-priority issues. Teréga plays an active part in achieving the national target of 10% renewable gas consumed in 2030, thus building a low-carbon energy mix. To that end, we are pursuing our initiatives to prepare for and encourage the integration of renewable gases. That involves projects looking at methanation, COcapture, pyro-gasification, and even Power-to-Gas, to encourage the development of those sectors, but also to think about the mechanisms by which the different energy sources can work to complement one another.

Encourage the development of new gases and processes

Gas sampling for analysis

Synthetic methane

Our Research & Innovation teams are actively involved in collaborative projects studying different methanation processes. The aim: to guarantee the gas produced is of good quality, and to position ourselves as accelerators of the development of this sector.

CO2 capture

CO2 capture

As an integral part of CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage), we support its deployment to decarbonise the industrial sector and develop the production of new gases such as synthetic methane.
