Espace pédagogique

Teréga: partnering the territories for decarbonised development

Teréga supports the energy and industrial transition through the reindustrialisation of the territories with its Energiz Mouv programme. The Group shares its expertise as a committed industrial actor to contribute to the development of the local industrial fabric, and to its decarbonisation. In particular, this can be seen in the rollout of local ecosystems, the promotion of renewable and low-carbon gases, and the support for research and innovation including, among other things, partnerships with schools and universities.

Global challenges and territorial strategy

In a context where the demand for renewable and low-carbon energy is picking up and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is a global priority, Teréga plays a strategic role in achieving energy transition objectives at European, national and territorial levels.

Located at the crossroads of European gas exchanges, the Group works to secure supplies to the territories, to encourage interconnections and synergies between the different energy networks. The Group also promotes the development of a production, transport and storage ecosystem for renewable and low-carbon sourced gases, helping respond to new uses.

In this way, Teréga plays its part in creating a structure for the biomethane, hydrogen and bioNGV industries, with a circular economy approach. The Group supports the development of infrastructures and facilities that allow the injection of renewable gases into its networks, helping contribute to the circular economy in the territories.

Putting Teréga’s expertise at the service of the territories

Teréga supports local energy transition strategies, assisting with the rollout of local renewable gas production and consumption ecosystems, along with the decarbonisation of industry and heavy mobility, sharing its expertise at a number of levels:

  •  Operation of renewable and low-carbon gas transport and storage infrastructure,

  •  Assistance for local authorities and territorial state services as they work out their strategies linked to the energy transition, through departmental renewable energy hubs, Regional Energy Committees and regional COPs for the environmental transition, along with the Territorial Climate-Air-Energy Plans (PCAETs) and Intercommunal Cooperation Public Establishments (EPCIs),

  •  Participation in the development of Regional AREC (Regional Energy and Climate Agency) observatories, along with digital energy data platforms such as Open Data Réseaux Énergies and Terristory, 

  •  Support for local initiatives to develop renewable gas production or decarbonisation projects or actions, such as the signing of the InterluD charter for the Pau-Béarn-Pyrénées Agglomeration Community to decarbonise mobility, or our support for the Hyd’Occ and PHARE projects for local hydrogen production,

  •  Assistance for owners of projects to produce renewable energy such as hydrogen or biomethane, by lending them our project expertise from the technical and economic point of view, through our Teréga Solutions subsidiary.

Finally, Teréga shares its expertise with local authorities for the development of industrial ecosystems, or through initiatives such as Territoires d’Industrie Lacq Pau Tarbes, for which we are an industrial advisor, or the establishment of ZIBACs (Industrial Low Carbon Zones) in the Lacq and Bordeaux areas. These initiatives thus support the industrial territories in decarbonising and producing renewable energy, which particularly encourages the direct and indirect creation of local jobs.

Teréga: a partner in research and innovation

Through partnerships with schools and universities, Teréga supports skills development programmes, and contributes to research and innovation in the fields of renewable and low-carbon gases, or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Significantly, for more than 20 years the Group has been a partner of UPPA (University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour). Together, the two entities have launched numerous innovation initiatives in the fields of gas analysis and storage, and multi-energies.

This partnership has most notably resulted in the creation of the SEnGA (Gas Energy Storage in Aquifer) joint laboratory dedicated to the study of geological storage for decarbonised gases. It has also contributed to the IMPULSE project, which aims to develop an operational ecosystem around multi-energy systems. Teréga also participates in the E2S MOVE partnership chair, dedicated to the legal issues of sustainable mobility.

Finally, the development of renewable gases with university partners such as INSA allowed Teréga to develop and launch SOLIDIA in March 2023. This is a research and development platform dedicated to the exploitation of biogas. Located on the CLER VERTS site in Bélesta-en-Lauragais (Haute-Garonne), this platform’s mission is to develop technologies for processing and enriching biogas. 

Driving an energy transition culture

By actively participating in events that unite, Teréga is strengthening its links with industry, committing all local actors to a collective energy transition culture, and increasing the visibility of actions being taken with its stakeholders.

The Group is present at major events and trade fairs, promoting subjects linked to the energy transition, renewable gases, and industrial decarbonisation. 

Indeed, Teréga has been able to take part in many trade fairs such as Hyvolution, alongside Hydrogen Days in the territories. The Group has also been able to speak at many other events, such as the Mobilities Forum in Pau, the Energaia trade fair, the Paris Mayors trade fair, or the Commerce Innov’ trade fair in Bordeaux.

To contribute to the development of the energy transition, the Group will not hesitate to leave the world of energy and step across into other worlds, such as sport. 

So, for more than 8 years, Teréga has been a sponsor of the Section Paloise club, currently placed in the TOP 14. This sporting partnership, quite apart from reflecting our values (responsibility, cooperation, innovation and ambition) is an opportunity to make Teréga and the renewable and low-carbon gas sector known around the territories.

As a title partner of the Teréga Open Pau Pyrénées since 2019, Teréga and the tournament’s organising team hope to promote tennis in the South West, while boosting the local economic fabric through the organisation of business events. A unique event of its kind, allowing links to be strengthened between local authorities, businesses and the general public around sporting values 

The Group also supports other sporting initiatives such as the CIC International Women’s Tour of the Pyrenees. Having supported the first tour in 2019, a resounding success, it was important for Teréga to pursue this partnership with the French Cycling Association (AFCC) and the Pau Béarn Pyrénées Agglomeration Community to highlight women in cycling. 

These sporting partnerships are an opportunity to promote the business and its activities in the territories of the South West of France and to showcase the common values shared by Teréga with actors in the sporting world.