Espace pédagogique

Teréga’s commitment to responsible procurement

Through its responsible procurement charter, which is part of a CSR approach, the Group is setting out its commitment to the regions and stakeholders, but also to its suppliers, to prioritise the acceleration of the energy transition. A commitment that places the emphasis on protecting the environment, but also on responsible practices in terms of business ethics and personal safety.

Teréga: a responsible actor in its purchasing

Purchasing is at the core of the Group’s business, worth roughly €250m, underlining the importance of working with responsible suppliers.

In fact, by introducing this charter, Teréga wants to ensure the commitment of its suppliers and their subcontractors to responsible practices, in terms of personal safety, environmental protection, respect for human rights, compliance with applicable laws and rules, business ethics and social development. The aim is to strengthen its partnerships with businesses that set an example in this area.

Responsible Procurement and Supplies Charter

Moreover, since 2019, Teréga has also been a signatory of the Teréga signed up to the Responsible Procurement and Supplies Charter to build a balanced and lasting relationship with its suppliers, with full knowledge of and respect for their rights.

65 %

purchases from local businesses in 2023

338 k€

of orders placed with disability friendly businesses in 2023

A charter that aims to be ethical 

Teréga’s employees and suppliers see business ethics as an essential element and are committed to respecting it, in accordance with the Group’s values.

The ethical policy put in place by Teréga aims to avoid any personal situations or economic activities liable to create a conflict with the Group. That policy also aims to prohibit any act of corruption, ensure fair treatment in securing contracts, and also transparency in exchanges of information to facilitate the smooth running of contracts. Any failing or behaviour that runs contrary to those principles can be reported in total confidentiality through the alerting system set up by the Teréga Group, by contacting its Ethics Committee or by logging on to its external alerting platform: Alertcys.

A committed charter for the environment

Environmental considerations are given a prominent place in the procurement process, being part of the criteria used when selecting suppliers. In fact, Teréga is relying on efforts made by its suppliers to make innovative proposals to increase their energy performance while reducing their environmental impacts. One of the Group’s major environmental challenges is greenhouse gas reduction to reduce the business’s carbon footprint and so help the country achieve its net zero ambitions. The commitment and active participation of all stakeholders is essential in meeting this major challenge.

A charter that stresses safety

Teréga makes safety in the workplace for its employees, contracting companies and suppliers a priority. For that purpose, the Group relies on its PARI 2035 (prevention of industrial risks) programme, with the aim of “zero accidents, zero collisions, zero surprises”. To establish compliance with the regulations on occupational safety, health and hygiene, Teréga puts dialogue at the heart of what it does, to share the Group’s knowledge and actions with complete transparency, while providing the necessary resources to stakeholders. This dialogue takes the form of workshops for sharing best practices and feedback on accidents and incidents.
To support our high level of HSE requirements, our suppliers and contracting companies have a duty to abide by the commitments made in the 3S2D approval letter and stipulated in Teréga’s internal regulations. 3S2E approved (3S for Safety, Security and CyberSecurity, 2E for Environment and Energy) can be used to list suppliers who adopt the best practices on the environment, energy, security and cybersecurity.

Agnes Butterlin

This approval reflects how our challenges have developed and signals how much we value the CSR commitments and performance of the companies with which we work.

Agnès Butterlin,Director of Finance, Purchasing & Sustainable Development

A charter with people at its heart

In the eyes of the law, Teréga is committed to following the provisions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, the non-discrimination criteria, and the rejection of forced labour and child exploitation.

Teréga is also committed to supporting the disability friendly employment sector, demonstrating its support for community initiatives. In other words, the Group is committed in its desire to support disabled people, to help them develop their skills while supporting them as they develop their careers within the company. That commitment is written into the Charter of the National Union of Adapted Enterprises (UNAE) and various Establishments and Services for Assistance through Work (ESATs), to which Teréga is a signatory.