Espace pédagogique

Teréga’s responsible governance

To ensure the success of its strategy and its desire to build a sustainable business model, the Group has set itself the target of acting in an exemplary manner in the way it conducts its activities, and sets out a group of values resting on three founding pillars: ethical conduct, reliable organisation, robust business management and exemplary procurement practices. Those pillars actively support Teréga’s responsible governance process and allow the firm establishment of a relationship of trust with all stakeholders.

How does Teréga implement responsible governance?

Teréga makes all its employees and stakeholders aware of the correct way to behave in the face of ethical issues, acting in line with the Sapin II law by virtue of an anti-corruption code and by introducing an alerting system that allows them to report confidentially any failing or any behaviour that is unlawful or in contravention of the Group’s ethical values.  

In line with its strategy and public service mission, the Group has introduced a reliable and robust organisational structure. It rests on four fundamental elements: governance bodies, a risk management system, a business continuity plan, and an integrated management system.

Lastly, to guarantee a responsible procurement policy and strengthen its partnerships with virtuous companies in terms of CSR, the Group has common commitment approach to construct balanced and sustainable relationships. It invites its employees, suppliers, contracting companies and partners to sign and abide by its responsible procurement charter based on responsible practices in terms of business ethics and personal safety.