Espace pédagogique

Decarbonisation: a priority

Teréga has committed itself to decarbonising its activities in France and in Europe, which means an overall reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane. At the forefront of the energy and ecological challenges in France and internationally, decarbonisation fits into the “Fit for 55” targets of the European Union, which aim to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% between now and 2030. You will also find it in France’s National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC), which plans to achieve carbon neutrality in France, meaning net zero CO2 emissions, by 2050.

Decarbonising: a top-priority challenge for Teréga and industry

As an actor in the energy transition, Teréga embarked upon the ambitious process of decarbonising its own activities: energy frugality and efficiency, reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions and the use of renewable and decarbonised energy sources. It has therefore committed itself to contributing to France’s carbon neutrality by 2050, achieving the targets set in the Paris Agreement, adopted at the close of COP21, to limit global warming. In this context, Teréga has also positioned itself as a responsible actor in the energy ecosystem, and is supporting its customers through this decarbonisation process, particularly by participating in the development of renewable and low-carbon forms of energy, such as biomethane, hydrogen and CO2capture in the territories. Generating 1/5th of greenhouse gas emissions nationally, the industrial sector is particularly involved in this collective decarbonisation challenge. The SNBC has set it a target of reducing CO2 emissions by 35% by 2030 and 81% by 2050, compared with 2015 levels. To achieve that, industry has a number of tools at its disposal, including energy frugality and the use of decarbonised resources.

Decarbonisation: a pillar of the BE Positif programme

Our strategy for decarbonising our activities involves the implementation of transformations to our infrastructures and working practices. They are therefore written into our environmental programme: BE POSITIF

Launched in 2017 and steered by Teréga’s Environmental Department, BE Positif aims to reduce our environmental footprint by following the so-called MERCI methodology: Monitor, Avoid (in French, “Eviter”), Reduce and Compensate for Impacts. At the very heart of our business plan and CSR approach, the BE Positif programme is focussed first and foremost on reducing our impacts. Decarbonisation, which is synonymous with reducing atmospheric emissions, is thus one of its most important levers for change.

Example: How Teréga is decarbonising its activities

Energy frugality and efficiency

We drew up an energy frugality plan using our energy management system, to reduce our systems’ energy consumption by 10% between 2019 and 2024.

We have also equipped ourselves with innovative solutions which are exemplary in terms of digital frugality, to optimise the energy efficiency of our infrastructures and our ways of operating.

Reducing emissions

We use the best-performing equipment and technologies to take action on our greenhouse gas emissions: electric compressors, OPTIMUS software, RECOMP and MOBILE COMP, all of which are tools enabling us to limit our impacts on the atmosphere.

Renewable and decarbonised energies

Mobility is the one of the top levers for decarbonisation in France. Thanks to NGV, bioNGV and hydrogen, we can achieve a significant reduction in the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint created by our journeys. That was the choice that Teréga made when it switched its fleet of vehicles over to NGV and bioNGV.

We also make use of solar energy, with the commissioning in 2023 of a 12 GWh self-sufficiency generating facility on our storage site at Lussagnet (Landes).

Actions that are bearing fruit


Reduction in our direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) and indirect energy-linked emissions (scope 2) since 2017.


Reduction in methane emissions since 2017. This outcome is in line with the commitment made at the Oil & Gas Methane Partnership, a partnership under the United Nations Environment Programme, and of which Teréga is a member.