Espace pédagogique

Strong commitments for the energy transition

Affirming its position as a leading actor and playing its part in France’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050: this is the challenge Teréga has set for itself. It has been mapping out its route toward that target for a number of years with the rollout of a programme of commitments and actions carrying the whole business toward a responsible and sustainable model.

“If we are to make the energy transition a reality and accelerate it, it is crucial for us to find solutions that are credible environmentally, economically and socially.”* Aware of the major role Teréga has to play in the energy transition, the Group has built its business strategy on environmental, social, territorial and governance programmes.

In 2024, Teréga is stepping up its commitment: the Group is consolidating its programmes with actions and key indicators, and centralising its actions in a strategic process as part of its business plan. In this way, the Group is reaffirming its desire to adapt and exploit renewable and low-carbon gas infrastructures to contribute to the carbon neutrality and reindustrialisation of the territories. With this ambition, we are putting the Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the heart of our strategy, and we have created programmes which are now founded on three pillars of CSR: E, S and G (Environmental, Social and Governance).

The desire to construct a CSR policy around those pillars enables us to respond to the material, financial and environmental challenges of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) to which Teréga will be subject from 2025. So the Group will act on these powerful levers to pursue the optimisation of its value chain.

“ Dominique Mockly in “Backing Gas”, 2018.

The route to decarbonisation

While the Environment pillar illustrated by the Be Positif programme addresses all the issues linked to respect for natural ecosystems, such as the optimisation of waste and water management, and respect for the biodiversity of the countryside and soils, the major challenge of this pillar is to do with reducing GHG emissions, particularly methane (CH4). Since 2017, actions to reduce methane (CH4) emissions have been taken, with a target 36% reduction by 2025 (target set with the OGMP in 2017).

That commitment is part of reaching our target of 34% lower GHG emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2030 (compared with 2021), and underlines Teréga’s significant contribution to combating greenhouse gas emissions and fulfilling its environmental conditions via our Be Positif programme.

To confirm and abide by all those commitments, the Be Positif programme applies the so-called MERCI methodology (from the French for Monitor, Avoid, Reduce and Compensate for our Impacts), which aims steadily to erase Teréga’s environmental footprint, heading toward carbon neutrality in 2050, in line with the Paris Agreements signed in 2015. This methodology is particularly evident in our maintenance and safety work on the gas transport and storage network.

Uniting people and territories

Teréga is committed to introducing a CSR policy at the heart of the territories through its employees and stakeholders in a safe working environment.

The Group imbues all levels of the business with a culture of safety. To achieve that, the PARI 2035 programme advocates the three zeros: zero accidents, zero snags, zero surprises. It encompasses the safety of people, infrastructures and security/cybersecurity.

As a major industrial actor, Teréga is also a leader and promoter of initiatives that are at the heart of the local fabric. This vision, anchored in the very DNA of the business, is exemplified by the EnergizMouv programme, the aim of which is to get everyone’s energy on board, including the men and women who make up Teréga and those who lead the territories. This programme also covers actions to do with safety and quality of working life, skills development and worker engagement.  In 2023, women accounted for 15% of those in technical and technological posts to do with the energy transition. With continuity in mind,  the development of skills in the energy transition takes the form of annual training or education around the energy transition covering 41.14% of Teréga employees in 2022 (Target: 25%).

Transparency and confidence among our Stakeholders

Faced with the manifold challenges of the energy transition, maintaining the confidence of our Stakeholders is essential.

The Group is convinced that Stakeholder confidence can only be achieved through transparent and responsible governance, resting on three pillars: the requirement of ethical behaviour, reliability and robustness of the organisation, and the introduction of a responsible procurement policy.

So Teréga ensures the commitment of its suppliers and their subcontractors to practices that are respectful in particular of the safety of individuals, protection of the environment, and respect for human rights.

Teréga has also promised that the Group will conduct its business in accordance with strict ethical principles, particularly by introducing measures to fight corruption, govern influential actions and comply with regulatory requirements toward our customers (non-discriminatory access to the grid, maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive business information etc.).

These necessary and ambitious measures are built on a robust and reliable organisation that anticipates potential crises and malfunctions through a business continuity plan, a risk management system, and an internal audit and control system.

Accelerator of Teréga’s collective energies

In structuring its CSR policy, Teréga is committing itself to a sustainable model that allies economic performance with social utility and environmental frugality.
To that end, the “Teréga Accélérateur d’Énergies” endowment fund acts to extend the Group’s societal and environmental commitments to the territories. This patronage scheme, which is a separate legal entity in its own right, with its own governance bodies, acts to support Teréga’s many projects.

Dominique Mockly, Chairman and CEO of Teréga

Our CSR ambition is to be a company that is recognised on environmental, social and governance matters and acts as a benchmark in the energy sector, supporting the energy transition to carbon neutrality.

Dominique MocklyChairman and CEO of Teréga