Espace pédagogique

Teréga, an energy actor committed to serving society

As a key French actor in the energy market, Teréga brings its expertise to bear on the development and operation of gas transport and storage infrastructures. In line with the other operators in the gas sector, we are working alongside decision makers and designing new solutions to help achieve national and European objectives for sobriety and energy transition.

Teréga, working alongside the French government and the European Union

As a central link in a chain serving energy producers and consumers, we are actively involved in efforts to develop green gas infrastructures further. We are working along these lines with the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE), the Directorate General for Energy and Climate (DGEC), the French National Assembly, the French Senate and professional associations, as well as their European counterparts.

By intensifying our actions in favour of the energy transition, sobriety and energy independence of the territories, we are at the heart of three major joint initiatives:

  • The European Green Deal, a package of measures to make Europe carbon neutral by 2050.

  • The EU’s “Fit for 55 target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.

  • The REPowerEU plan, which aims to free Europe rapidly from dependence on Russian fossil fuels and accelerate the energy transition.

Committed to a multi-stakeholder approach on all issues, we also regularly contribute to consultations launched by the public authorities and to various working groups on energy issues.

Actor in the development of renewable gas sectors

We are convinced of the role of renewable gases in an energy transition that creates jobs and leverages industrialisation, as well as committed to the development and structuring of this sector through various actions:

  1. We are a member of the France Gaz association (formerly the Association Française du gaz), which represents the entire gas industry to the French and European public authorities.

  2. We are taking part in the work of the "New energy systems industries” Sector Strategic Committee (CSF), which aims to develop renewable energies in France and ensure the competitiveness of the methanisation and hydrogen sectors.

  3. We have joined France Hydrogène, an entity bringing together major industrial groups, SMEs and innovative start-ups, all of which are mobilised to structure and recognise the hydrogen sector as a lever for the energy transition.

Committed to the development of new uses

Operating as close as possible to the territories, we work with them on their energy and ecological transition strategies by supporting their efforts to decarbonise their usage. We are developing a specific NGV-bioNGV mobility offer for them, and provide them with tools, particularly digital ones, to better visualise and manage their consumption, with the aim of energy sobriety.

Innovation reservoir to accelerate the energy transition

Our R&I teams work with public and private research organisations to further develop their knowledge and skills. The many partnerships established with research organisations, SMEs, manufacturers or start-ups are helping develop innovative and value-creating solutions. They are also enabling new technologies and new programmes to be deployed on an industrial scale.

Our innovation strategy
innovation project on new gases in partnership with the UPPA

Aware of the need to be proactive in accelerating the energy transition, we created a subsidiary entirely dedicated to this objective in 2021: Teréga Solutions.

Its purpose is to promote renewable energies, industrial performance and decarbonisation projects to serve the future of the territories. Teréga Solutions is anchored at the core of future energies through three Business Units (BU):

The Biomethane and Gas Mobility BU’s purpose is to speed up the growth of the company’s activities in the methanisation and NGV-bioNGV mobility sectors.

The Multi-Energy and Digital Technology BU, which develops multi-energy and digital infrastructure service offerings to promote industrial, energy and economic performance.

The Hydrogen BU, which is working to become a key player in the hydrogen market within France and on a European scale.