Espace pédagogique

Our commitment: be a responsible employer

We are aware that it is the commitment of Teréga’s employees that makes our company a responsible energy player. We capitalise on this potential for combined energies to develop the skills of our employees, promote inclusion and improve the quality of working life.

Teréga is committed to its employees

The sum of human energies is what shapes a company. To create the conditions for pooling these energies, Teréga therefore naturally places human beings at the core of its policy. With the aim of:

  • securing long-term professional careers;

  • developing employee skills;

  • guaranteeing a stimulating work environment;

  • being a responsible company through social and environmental actions.

Our aim is to build employee loyalty and support them throughout their careers, in a context of profound changes in the energy sector and its businesses, a source of constant professional development. We listen to them and develop solutions to help them develop and improve their quality of working life.  

Multiplying energies

Teréga has a resolutely inclusive policy. For us, diversity brings forth new energies that boost each employee. Teréga is involved in many initiatives and partnerships to promote:

  • professional equality;

  • inclusion of the unemployed, disabled employees and people with atypical backgrounds;

  • feminisation of industrial jobs.




trainees (apprenticeship contracts and work-study contracts) in 2022

95,19 %

of employees trained in 2022

52 %

of women in support functions


employees with disabilities, including 10 managers.

Our people tell it like it is

Every two years, Teréga conducts an engagement survey among its employees to gather their opinions on the company’s internal policies and operations. In 2019, the overall commitment rate* was 7.3 points, i.e. +0.6 points compared to the average in France. The most popular aspects:

- Professional development and progress: 7.1 points

- Relationships with the team, managers and stakeholders: 7.6 points

- Employee benefits: 8.3 points

*Engagement survey carried out by Qualintra among Teréga employees between September and October 2019.